Development and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Aciding Corrosion Inhibitor SYB at High Temperature for Oil Wells 一种新型油井高温酸化缓蚀剂SYB的制备及性能评价
According to experiment results, measures to prevent such corrosion failure have been suggested. The main measure to control the naphthenic acid corrosion at high temperature spots is the selection of appropriate corrosion resistant materials. 并结合分析结果,提出了控制环烷酸腐蚀主要应选择耐环烷酸腐蚀的材料等措施。
The results shows that melting and oxidation are the main reason of corrosion at the high temperature. 对紫铜贯流式高炉风口的失效进行了分析,结果表明:熔损和磨损是高炉风口损坏的主要方式。
The wear and corrosion at high temperature of cooling tubes for the power plant boils are closely related with flame temperature in chamber of furnace, sulphur content of coal, and erosion of ash particles. 火电厂锅炉水冷壁管高温腐蚀和磨损与炉膛火焰温度、燃煤的含硫量、烟气与灰粉颗粒的冲蚀密切相关。
The obtained Mo alloy deposits were fine with good adhesion and strong corrosion resistance at high temperature. 所得钼合金镀层致密、结合力强、耐高温腐蚀性能好。
Some characteristics of chlorine corrosion at high temperature during refuse incineration are summarized. 总结了焚烧垃圾时高温氯腐蚀的一些特点。
Result of the study on the solubility of oxides of commonly used metallic substrate materials and alloy elements in pure Na_2SO_4 and its salt mixture is emphatically described and thus, based on thermal chemistry and electrochemistry, the mechanism of the hot corrosion at high temperature is discussed. 着重介绍了金属材料中常用的基体材料及合金元素的氧化物,在纯Na2SO4及其混合盐中溶解度的研究结果,进而从热化学及电化学方面进一步讨论了高温热腐蚀机理。
Hot corrosion of boiler component at high temperature 锅炉高温部件的热腐蚀
The nanoparticles are responsible for improving the properties of the coating, such as hardness, toughness, corrosion inhibition, wear resistance and oxidation resistance at high temperature. 与普通镀层相比,纳米复合镀层的性能更为优良,诸如硬度、韧性、耐蚀性、耐磨性、抗高温氧化性等,对金属具有更好的保护作用。
The creep-deformation and corrosion atmosphere accelerates wear failure course at the high temperature. 在高温下的蠕变和腐蚀气氛加快了磨损失效过程;
The design of waste-heat boiler in 10 × 104 t/ a sulphur recovery unit was presented. The tube-plate design and the protection of sulphur corrosion at high temperature were emphasized on, some basic principles were provided for engineering design. 简要介绍了镇海炼化公司10×104t/a硫磺回收装置中废热锅炉的设计,着重叙述了废热锅炉的管板设计和高温硫腐蚀防护等内容,可为同类设备大型化设计提供参考。
The corrosion resistance at high temperature of 4Cr_9Si_2 valve spindle used in ship diesel engine has been studied. The corrosion layers was analysed by metallograph, EMA and PES. 为了解船用柴油机排气阀材料4Cr9Si2的抗热腐蚀性能,用金相显微镜、电子探针和能谱对其腐蚀进行分析。
Al 2O 3 ceramic is the best at standing erosion/ corrosion at high temperature. Al2O3陶瓷的高温耐冲蚀腐蚀性能最好。
Through the test to the performance of coating sealing reagent, it shows that the resistance to acid 、 alkali and salt is improved greatly after sealing. It improves the resistance to corrosion at high temperature at the same time. 对封孔前后涂层性能的测试表明:经过封孔后,大大增强了涂层耐酸、碱和盐水的性能,明显改善了封孔后的涂层耐高温腐蚀性能,高温涂盐腐蚀后增重明显降低。
Corrosion behaviour of silicon nitride at high temperature in oxidizing and sulphidizing atmospheres 氮化硅陶瓷在硫化氧化气氛中的高温腐蚀行为
The application of bonded Nd-Fe-B magnet is partly hindered by its poor corrosion resistance at high temperature and in humid environment. 复合钕铁硼磁体在高温潮湿环境下易被腐蚀,因而需要涂层保护。
The stellite alloys are hard alloys which can resist various wear, corrosion and oxidation at high temperature. 司太立合金是一种能耐各种类型磨损和腐蚀以及高温氧化的硬质合金。
Corrosion Kinetics of Si_3N_4-Based Ceramics at High Temperature Si3O4基陶瓷材料高温腐蚀的动力学研究
Preparation And Application of LE-87-1 Adhesive with Rapid Drying at Room Temperature And Corrosion Resistance at High Temperature 常温快干、高温耐蚀LE-87-1粘合剂的制备与应用
The brittle morphologies become much more notable, and appear the inter-and trans-granular fracture mode after sodium corrosion at high temperature for both of W-specimens. 钠腐蚀后,两种钨试样的沿晶脆断特征变得更为显著,为沿晶和穿晶混合型脆性断裂。
The effects of alloy elements on corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance at high temperature are researched. 分析合金元素对合金耐蚀及抗高温氧化性能的作用。
The tests show that the electrodeposited Ni-Mo-P alloy coating is compact in structure, strong in bonding strength, and had a higher hardness and corrosion resistance at high temperature. 经过测试证明:NiMoP合金镀层致密,结合力强,具有较高的硬度和耐高温腐蚀的性能。
Progress of Research and Application on CO_2 Corrosion under Multiphase Media at High Temperature and High Pressure Condition 高温高压CO2多相介质腐蚀研究及应用的新进展
The article analyses the corrosion cause at high temperature of the furnace water wall in Hanchuan Power Plant by means of on site inspection and test, and puts forward the corresponding measures to deal with the situation. 通过现场检查及试验,分析湖北汉川电厂锅炉炉膛水冷壁发生高温腐蚀的原因,制定防止锅炉炉膛水冷壁高温腐蚀的对策。
Characteristics of Chlorine Corrosion at High Temperature 高温氯腐蚀的特点
Because of the characteristic crystalline structure, noble metals have good electrical and thermal conductivity, good corrosion resistant, and good resistance to creep at high temperature. 贵金属元素独特的晶体结构,使得贵金属具有良好的导电、导热和耐蚀性,较强的抗高温蠕变能力。
The development of lithium bromide absorption chiller was restricted by the serious corrosion of metal in LiBr solution. It was important to develop new type corrosion inhibitors used in high concentrated LiBr solution at high temperature. LiBr溶液对金属材质的腐蚀严重限制溴冷机的发展,所以开发新型的高温高浓度LiBr溶液中的缓蚀剂具有重要的社会效益和经济意义。
Because of the high chlorine content, thermal conversion processes of rice straw will encounter many problems, such as corrosion of metals at high temperature, pollution in the heating surface, slag aggregation in the furnace and so on. 稻草中氯的含量较高,在热转化利用过程中氯易析出,从而产生诸如高温金属腐蚀、受热面污染及炉内结渣聚团等问题。
The effect of Fe-Sn and Fe-Zn intermetallics adherence on corrosion property at room temperature and corrosion property in high temperature water of stainless steel was investigated. 研究了交互作用形成的Fe-Sn和Fe-Zn化合物对不锈钢常温腐蚀性能和高温腐蚀性能的影响。